Ac | cre | di | ta | tion, noun Latin: accredere, to accord credibility
DAkkS/ILAC-accredited test laboratory
What is accreditation? According to the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), the trust placed in certificates, inspections, tests and calibrations stands and falls with the competence of those providing the evaluation service.
DAkkS recognition of the testing and calibration expertise of the Schüco Technology Center guarantees that customers can trust the results from the Schüco Technology Center. And not just on a national level, but also by international standards.

Accreditation as a test laboratory
Since 2005 the Schüco Technology Center has been a DAkkS/ILAC-accredited test laboratory for tests for the whole building envelope. The Technology Center is accredited as an impartial manufacturing laboratory by the national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany (DAkkS). All tests are therefore carried out with the required neutrality. Since autumn 2014 the Schüco Technology Center is now also accredited as the first and only test laboratory in the industry for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and is therefore able to test and optimise electronic components accordingly. Over 40 employees carry out several hundred tests per year, starting with small components through to complete façade units.
Component and material tests, as well as a wide variety of environmental simulations, are key to being able to reliably deal with conditions in the different climate zones around the world.
The bullet resistance of highly secure components is also calculated. The quality of Schüco products in line with standards is improved with the help of a wide variety of tests for acoustics, weathertightness, security and durability. To do this, all the test specimens are created in the company’s own samples workshop. The Technology Center also serves as a state-of-the-art facility for the company’s apprentices and placement students.
For further information and details about the scope of accredited tests, see the appendix to the accreditation certificate or contact us directly.
Accreditation as a calibration laboratory
In October 2016 the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) confirmed the expertise of the Technology Center as a calibration laboratory for electrical measured values, thermodynamic measured values, flow rate measured values and pressure.
With the notification of accreditation on 10 October, the Technology Center is now designated as a DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025-accredited and globally recognised DAkkS calibration laboratory.
For further information and details about the scope of accredited tests, see the appendix to the accreditation certificate or contact us directly.